Isn't that a scary picture? Here's the current card for ZERO-ONE/DSE's HUSTLE-3 show on 5/8/04 at the Yokohama Arena. Tell me if you notice what's wrong with this card:
1. Kaz Hayashi & Spanky VS TAKA Michinoku & Low-Ki
2. Oscar Sevilla, Cynthia Moreno, Pimpinella & Mascarita Sagrada VS Gran Apache, Tiffany, Polvo de Estrellas & Mini Abismo
3. Zebraman VS TBA
4. Dusty Rhodes VS Steve Corino
5. Riki Choshu VS X (King Adamo)
6. Tetsuhiro Kuroda & Masato Tanaka VS Sabu & Kintaro Kanemura
7. Shinjiro Ohtani & Mr. X VS Mark Coleman & Giant Silva
8. All Japan Triple Crown Championship: Toshiaki Kawada VS Bill Goldberg
9. Shinya Hashimoto & Naoya Ogawa VS TBA
Spot the 'knot? That's right! The biggest match on the card and the main selling point is in the SEMI MAIN EVENT slot! What the hell are they thinking?!? And just like the previous shows, All the other matches just seem thrown together with no real purpose. Their a week away and they haven't even finalized the card. They should have at least tried to work some angles prior to show so that the matches on the card mean something, like what WWE at least try to do. Why can't Tanaka and Ohtani go one on one to finally settle their differences? Why are the NWA Jr. IC Tag champs (Spanky & Low Ki) again on opposing sides? Heck, even their partners are team mates on opposing sides! If Goldberg is gonna win the Triple Crown off of Kawada, I sure damn hope AJPW is getting a big payoff out of this.

On a related note, Giant Silva won his PRIDE Openweight Grand Prix on 4/25/04 against Japanese fighter Sentoryu in just 4:04 of the first round with a Kimura Lock. Nice going big guy! Silva could possibly face Heath Herring, who holds a victory over him, in the next round. ZERO-ONE ace Naoya Ogawa also won his fight against K-1 regular Stefan Leko in just 1:34 of the first round with a shoulder submission. A bit of a shocker on the same show saw Kevin Randleman KO Mirko CroCop in just 1:57 of the first round with a left punch! Now there's a bit of controversy as CroCrop's camp refuses to air the match in CroCop's home town of Croatia and will possibly be sued for it.
Credit Puroresu Power for the card
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