HUSTLE-3 Results
1. Kaz Hayashi & Leonardo Spanky beat TAKA Michinoku & Low Ki in 13:22 when Hayashi used the Final Cut on TAKA.
2. Oscar Sevilla, Cynthia Moreno, Pimpinella Estrella & Mascarita Sagrada beat Gran Apache, Faby Apache, Polvo de Estrellas & Mini Abismo Negro in 11:32 when Sagrada pinned Apache with a hurricanrana after Faby accidentally hit her father with a belt.
3. Dusty Rhodes beat Steve Corino in 6:37 with the Bionic Elbow drop. Another bloody brawl between the American Dream and the King of Old School.
4. Tiger Jeet Singh beat Zebraman in 5:43 with the Cobra Claw. Singh was the mystery opponent accompanied by Sabu. Post match, Rhodes and Corino came out and challenged Tiger and Sabu to a tag match at HUSTLE-4.
5. Riki Choshu beat Adamonster (King Adamo) in 2:35 with a Lariat. Takada put Choshu in this degrading comedy match as a way of getting back at Choshu due to the bad blood they had back when UWFI was feuding with NJPW back in 1995-96 when Choshu was NJPW booker.
6. Mark Coleman & Dan Bobish beat Shinjiro Ohtani & Wataru Sakata in 10:02 when Coleman used a side mount neck crank on Sakata.

7. Dynamite Hardcore Hustle Weapons Death Match: Sabu, Kintaro Kanemura & The Gladiator beat Masato Tanaka, Tetsuhiro Kuroda & Tomoaki Honma in 16:12 when Gladiator pinned Honma after a top-rope awesome bomb through a table. Six hardcore masters from various hardcore promotions over the years in a match where the gimmick is a different weapon is added to the match every three minutes! All I can say looking at that picture above is OUCH!

8. All Japan Triple Crown Title Match: Toshiaki Kawada beat Mick Foley in 12:56 with an enzuguiri. Foley's first match in Japan since the Megumi Kudo Retirement Show in the same arena in 1997 and Foley's first match with Kawada since 1991 in All Japan. They teased Foley using the barb-wire bat, but Kawada backdropped him from behind as Foley reached for the bat. Mr. Socko made his Japanese debut and actually got locked on Kawada! Kawada went apesh*t after that and unloaded a barrage of heavy kicks on Foley before ending the match with the jumping high kick. I REALLY wanna see this match!

9. Shinya Hashimoto & Naoya Ogawa beat Kevin Nash & Scott Hall in 7:37 when Ogawa pinned Hall after the Oregotokarire. They played up the heel referee angle that would fast count for the Outsiders and slow count for OH-GUN. The referee got bumped than accidentally made the fast count for OH-GUN! Show ended with Takada hinting at bringing in Yoshihiro Takayama to deal with Ogawa.
You know Your running out of credible challengers when...
Misawa is actually considering giving JUN IZUMUDA a GHC Title shot against reigning (and near invincible) champion Kenta Kobashi on 6/1/04 at the Nippon Budokan! This really hits home how shallow the pool of contenders are. Why anyone who challenged previously can't get a rematch is also beyond me, but lets hope Kobashi can work his magic and get the best out of Izumuda like what he did for Honda.
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